30 December, 2010


中六生涯已成了历史。 拼过了; 努力过了; 熬过了; 逍遥过了; 现在也发霉过了~

2010年即将离去, 该放下所有的不快乐迎接新一年的到来~

的确新的一年将展现不同的自己, 无论是在什么方面我都要追求完美。为自己 定下这个目标, 即使达不到完美的境界, 只要付出和努力过, 到了边缘也挺赞的了~

新的一年挑战新的磨炼, 挑战不一样的生活方式, 挑战不一样的环境~


自由自在的生活只剩几天罢了, 似乎开心; 似乎难过; 似乎舍不得~

无论接下来的生活有多忙碌, 我都不会忘了我亲爱的朋友们、关爱我的人和曾经疼爱我的人。记得有什么相聚活动或是想念我都可以约我出来又或者发发短讯, 我都会随时奉陪的~


26 December, 2010

Christmas Night

Having performance on the Christmas night~
Not much photo~ Just take your time to view it^^

(Able to find me?!?! hehe)

 From the left: Christine, Sister Vian and Me!
From right: Swee Yi, Wei Wei, Vian, Me


Group photos^^

24 December, 2010

The day after STPM + Christmas Celebration (16/12/10)

Don't know why that time I am not happy as expected! Maybe I am too relax during the STPM examination~ Anyway, everything's gone, just let it be! ^^ 
Let's view the photos below (from facebook) :D

 The moment after STPM-ing~
With cute Sei Fen^^

With Mamee, Jessica (the middle one)

 Took photo before we left the school area^^

At night, we went to Bas's house to have a party (Christmas celebration)
We went with "tattoo"...

The "ice" made out of scrap used exam and exercise papers~

 It's made by Bas~

Outside DECO^^

 My "tattoo" ><


 Playing Wii...

 My turn to play~ XDD

 Playing Monopoly~

 Hahaha! Funny><
People took photo but I slept like that XDD 

 With Kimee^^

With Sei Fen and Jessica

 With beautiful girls^^
(Got SOMEONE act cute there ;p)


 Haha! LONG Tongue ;P

 With my little Jesus :)

Group photos^^

That night we stayed there until 12am something~
So enjoy-ing~
Playing, talking, laughing, photo taking, barbecuing......
I love it so much!
Hhhhhmmm... Hope that we have another gathering again^^

新年拍摄✿ܓ(。◠‿◠。)ღ.•* (27/11/10)

During the period of STPM examination, the boss of Miri Star Society suddenly asked us prepared for the MTV-ing. The moment I heard the news was like " My goodness! I still having my exam boss!@@ ". What he said was " never mind, take it as relaxing! ". Then I was like "dweng dweng... speechless ". HeheheXDD 
I remember on 25/11 after my physics test, I went to Merdeka Mall with my sister to choose the clothes. We shopped until five something, so happy! Ahahaha! No clothes suited me, then I simply choose RED colour clothes and bought it! ;p 


With my sister~ 
I like this photo so much~
Cute... owh yeah^^Y

23 December, 2010

Anugerah Pelajar Cemerlang & Majlis Graduasi Pelajar T6


I am getting the Super Star^^

wuhooo... ^^Y



Receiving the certificate from Mr. Albert Ong~

Group Photo : )

17 December, 2010

My birthday celebration (6/11/10)

Still remember the moment they ''bully'' me... so bad~
hahaha! But I am so happy that night! XDD
Let's view the photo below! (It's taken by TEH and edited by myself^^) 

 These two 'sei gia's... like a couple><

 New clothes given by a group of friends~
Owh no! They FORCED me to wear IMMEDIATELY!!!

 Another new clothes given by another group of friends~
Act Cute! FORCED by THEM too... ><

Oh yeah~~ My cake!!^^

Lighting up the candles...
Make wishes...

 cake cutting...

 Photo taking...

 Both of them played with the camera><


 They bully me! Asked me to sing :'(
Owh no! Felt weird to sing in front of them><
 Haha! This person is awesome><

I am so happy because all of YOU willing to come to my house and celebrated with me! Thanks!!!
MUST keep in touch^^Y