Still remember the moment they ''bully'' me... so bad~
hahaha! But I am so happy that night! XDD
Let's view the photo below! (It's taken by TEH and edited by myself^^)
Let's view the photo below! (It's taken by TEH and edited by myself^^)
These two 'sei gia's... like a couple><
New clothes given by a group of friends~
Owh no! They FORCED me to wear IMMEDIATELY!!!
Another new clothes given by another group of friends~
Act Cute! FORCED by THEM too... ><
Oh yeah~~ My cake!!^^
Lighting up the candles...
Make wishes...
cake cutting...
Photo taking...
Both of them played with the camera><
They bully me! Asked me to sing :'(
Owh no! Felt weird to sing in front of them><
Haha! This person is awesome><
I am so happy because all of YOU willing to come to my house and celebrated with me! Thanks!!!
MUST keep in touch^^Y