16 March, 2011

Deep memory

When I am alone
YOU little angels always protecting me
YOUR smile is like a candle which lighten my life
all of YOU is like a shining, shimmering stars in the sky
 which accompany me through out my life

Deep inside my heart
YOU are the most precious treasure
no matter what YOU will become
I am still loving YOU

If YOU are the little bird that fly freely in the sky
I wish that I could be the wind that give YOU direction

YOU little angels
YOU will stay in my heart forever and ever
even if the world come to an end
but i just want YOU all to know that

My beloved students


蚂蚁 said...

r students naughty?? haha

۰•●♫Emily♫●•۰ said...

naughty dao ban si...hahaha!but i miss them now><